If your child needs an IEP, don't refuse it. Begin the IEP and participate in the process. You will be part of the IEP Team and will have a say in your child's education.
An IEP does NOT mean the child must be in special classes. Many times they are in the same classes as all the other kids. But they can have more time for homework if needed are reduced homework.
IEPs are for children with disabilities and the IEP will provide help where and when it is needed. If or when the child meets all of the goals and does not need an IEP any more, the school will close it. But take it if it is offered and participate.
Many parents can't understand that their children are having difficulties in school or even what it means to have a learning disability. There is an excellent video that shows what it is like to have a disability that opens the eyes of many parents:
It was created in 1989 and the information is timeless.